CLAT 2024 Study Material for Best Preparation
For effective CLAT preparation, it is important that any candidate sources proper CLAT Books and CLAT study material. No matter what method of study they are using, the candidate has to be equipped with the latest editions of all the good books out there. Quality CLAT Study Material is quintessential for the students who prefer to study at their own pace and are self-starters.
People engaging with CLAT coaching centers can also procure this material in addition to the Law Study Material they receive from their CLAT coaching centers. It is important to note here that not all CLAT books are required in hard copies. These days the CLAT Study Material is also available online through websites providing paid content.
This CLAT Study Material 2024 can be in the form of short and abridged notes, mock tests, previous years' question papers, books, or any other relevant articles.

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Why Do You Need CLAT Books to Study?
In this era of mobile phones and everything going digital, some people think that purchasing a book is a mere waste of money but a contradictory statement is that books still are the worthless treasure of knowledge. Though digitalization has led to an increase in the speed of searching a thing, just "google it" has become a common phrase nowadays.
Especially in the case of competitive exams like CLAT where students have less time to prepare for a broader syllabus but studying from a digital device makes a lot of difference.
Some advantages of the CLAT best books are mentioned below:
- Books provide the aspirants with better concept clarity by having visuals graphs and diagrams along with content which helps a student to memorize better.
- Students can find great content on their devices also but the fact that your eye vision can get worse makes usage of books better than any device.
- Students using books will be finding information specific to their syllabus and requirements while using the best book for CLAT preparation.
- Books are available easily at different stores in every one of our vicinity but on the other hand, searching for free books online might become a mess because of the unavailability of most of the books in pdf format.
- This point is not a necessary one but yes is heavy to be considered. Books once purchased are usually kept by the buyer with them for a long period which helps to mesmerize memories.
As the above points mentioned books have a lot of advantages. Moreover choosing the best CLAT books makes it much better because they have content to learn easily, questions to practice, and much more.
How to select books for your CLAT Preparation? Which Books are the best and recommended by experts? Take a look -
The next section discusses how to choose the best book for yourself, this will help you a lot in selecting the best book.
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While deciding on the CLAT books needed for the law entrance preparation, it is important to understand the CLAT syllabus in detail first.
The CLAT exam latest pattern is as follows:
Subject Areas with weightage |
The approximate number of questions |
English Language |
28-32 questions, or roughly 20% of the paper |
Current Affairs including GK |
35-39 questions, or roughly 25% of the paper |
Legal Reasoning |
35-39 questions, or roughly 25% of the paper |
Logical Reasoning |
28-32 questions, or roughly 20% of the paper |
Quantitative Techniques |
13-17 questions, or roughly 10% |
English - Reading Comprehension: The section will cover questions testing the candidates' English proficiency through comprehension passages. Previously, till 2019 CLAT was asking questions about grammar usage also but now the application of grammar and vocabulary will be part of the Reading Comprehension passage only.
The comprehension passages check the student's ability to understand it and the theme involved. It also tests the candidates' vocabulary and may have some questions testing the candidate's ability to form sentences coherently, filling the blanks, prepositions, etc. Students need to look for the Reading Comprehension section in CLAT books to start preparation.
Start your English Reading Comprehension preparation with our Star Faculty:
General Knowledge and Current Affairs: One of the widest sections in the test, the GK questions revolve around general awareness consisting of current affairs which includes a variety of topics like Appointments, Books & Authors, Sports, Important Days, Awards & people, National & International news and miscellaneous questions.
Previously, CLAT used to ask current affairs questions of one-liners but now as per the new pattern all current affairs questions will be based on Comprehension. Students need to look for the Comprehension section of Current affairs material in CLAT books to start preparation.
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Mathematics | Quantitative Technique: As the title of the section suggests, this section will cover elementary maths, i.e. maths taught up to class X. Concepts involved will be basic in nature however the candidate has to practice enough to solve the practical questions.
Previously, most of the questions were the direct application of concepts but now students will be asked Data Interpretation comprehension questions and most of the concepts like Discount, Profit and Loss, SI & CI, Average, and Ratio & Proportion.
Students need to brush up on these topics and should be able to apply these concepts in Data Interpretation questions. Students need to look for the Reading Comprehension section in CLAT books to start preparation. Students need to look for the Data Interpretation section in CLAT books to start preparation.
Legal Reasoning: As the title suggests, this section will test the aspirants' aptitude in Law. It won't focus on specific provisions of law, rather it will give propositions that are legal in nature along with a set of facts. The candidate has to aptly apply the set of facts to the propositions by assuming the truth of the propositions as they may not always be 'true in the real sense.
Students will be asked comprehension-based case studies and need to apply their reasoning abilities to handle these questions. Students need to look for the Comprehension based questions in the legal Reasoning section in CLAT books to start preparation.
Not sure how to start your preparation? Watch ClearExam Senior Faculty Mr. Ankit Jain Video on How to prepare for the Legal Aptitude Section of CLAT
Logical Reasoning: This section's purpose is to test the candidates' ability to identify patterns, logical arguments, and links and correct illogical sequences. It has a vast array of questions including logical sequences, syllogism, analogies, etc.
As per the CLAT Exam Pattern revision now most of the questions will be asked from Critical reasoning. Students need to look for the Critical Reasoning questions in the Logical Reasoning section in CLAT books to start preparation.
To know more about the pattern read CLAT Exam Pattern and CLAT Syllabus 2024
The following books form an important part of your CLAT Study Material 2024 needed to crack the exam successfully. It is a list of a few books which must be covered by the candidate to get a stronghold on their basics.
Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis: This CLAT book comes highly recommended for CLAT Study Material 2024 no matter how great command you may have over the English language. This book is the bible for tackling the English section in many competitive exams.
Objective English for Competitive Exams by Edgar Thorpe (Pearson): Another bestseller, it caters to all the different types of English questions asked in the CLAT and forms a must-have in the CLAT Study Material 2024.
Also, apart from the above 2 books students can also refer to ClearExam English Study Material which is specially designed to cater to Law Entrance Exams like CLAT, AILET, SET, and IPU-CET.
ClearExam English CLAT Books Package
Start Your CLAT 2024 Preparation Right Away!
ClearExam English CLAT Books Package includes 3 books
- Reading Comprehension for CLAT: CLAT exam pattern has changed recently. Now 90% of the English section questions will be comprehension-based. This book is very important for CLAT students as it contains good reading comprehension passages which will be very helpful for students to crack CLAT Exam.
Also, this English CLAT Book will give students a fair idea about how to tackle different types of questions in reading comprehension but also focuses on speed reading tricks & how to tackle different types of RCs.
Students can Order ClearExam CLAT Study Material from our Website
- Vocabulary CLAT Book: Vocab is a very important part of today's competitive exam specially CLAT. This book covers 14 chapters with all kinds of variations asked in exams related to vocab e.g. Synonyms, Paronyms, Homonyms, etc. It has a lot of practice exercises and is a one-stop solution to prepare for competitive English vocabulary.
Due to the changed CLAT Exam pattern, most of the vocabulary questions will be part of comprehension passages but vocabulary will be as important as before.
Students can Order ClearExam CLAT Books from our Website
- English Grammar CLAT Book: This book is a complete solution to all Grammar topics. This book is divided into 21 chapters. It covers all grammatical concepts and rules with the help of a lot of examples. Though Grammar questions won’t be asked directly in the CLAT exam now students will be asked indirect grammar questions in comprehension passages and also students need to have basic knowledge of grammar rules to crack CLAT.
This book is equipped with a lot of solved examples and an ample number of topic-wise question exercises to help students excel in the CLAT entrance exam.
ClearExam Quantitative Techniques CLAT Books Package
This package contains 2 types of books:
- Three Quantitative Aptitude Conceptual CLAT books to understand basic topics of Quantitative Aptitude. These books are focused on giving conceptual clarity to students of each and every topic with solved examples and practice exercises. Students need to clear their concepts to be able to solve Data Interpretation questions later on which have a lot of applications of these basic Quants concepts.
- Quants Practice CLAT book: This book has multiple choice practice questions of all topics and chapters of basic Quants concepts. Also, This contains a Special Data Interpretation Book Based on CLAT latest Pattern: This book is specially designed on a CLAT new pattern and includes the easy, medium, and hard types of Data Interpretation Sets.
- Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams by RS Aggarwal: This book, ever since its release in 1989 has made a special space in the study materials for different competitive exams. The book outlines a gamut of different concepts and helps the students clear their problems.
Students can Order ClearExam CLAT Books from our Website
ClearExam Legal Reasoning CLAT Books Package
This Legal Aptitude and Reasoning Package package includes 4 books:
- CLAT Legal Aptitude Tort
- CLAT Legal Aptitude Criminal Law
- CLAT Legal Aptitude Contract
- CLAT Book Legal Reasoning Practice Book: This book has a lot of practice questions of legal reasoning which has the application of the above three basic concepts of Legal Aptitude. Also, students need to be clear about the terminologies of the law world.
Our three concept books help students in having a basic understanding of legal topics and further help in solving Legal Reasoning questions of CLAT Book.
- Legal Aptitude for CLAT and other Law Entrance Exams (Pearson): For all aspirants, this book will serve as a very useful guiding mechanism to steer through all the intricate concepts involved in the legal aptitude section. This is a CLAT Study Material 2024 must-have.
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Students can Order ClearExam CLAT Books from our Website
ClearExam Logical Reasoning CLAT Books Package
CLAT Logical Reasoning Package Includes:
- Three Reasoning Conceptual Books: These books are focused on giving conceptual clarity to students of each and every topic with solved examples and practice exercises.
- Practice book for Logical Reasoning: This book has multiple choice practice questions of all Logical Reasoning chapters. Also, students will get a Special Critical Reasoning Book for CLAT new pattern This book contains Critical Reasoning Sets for practice based on CLAT latest Pattern.
- A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by RS Agarwal: The book will give you a basic understanding of different topics. CLAT Study Material 2024 usually includes this book along with other verbal and non-verbal reasoning books.
Students can Order ClearExam CLAT Books from our Website
ClearExam Current Affairs Monthly Timelines
ClearExam Current Affairs Monthly Timelines are the brief collection of one month's important news in a manner that is easy for students to comprehend and memorize. We give these current affairs timelines in a way that students can easily grasp and prepare for CLAT new pattern of current affairs.
We also give students some Current affairs sample passages and their questions every month to help students prepare for CLAT. Students get 12 Monthly Current Affairs Timelines in a year when they join for CLAT online Coaching with us.
Download ClearExam July 2021 Current Affair Timeline for Free to check the content and quality of our Current affairs timelines.
Objective General Knowledge by Edgar Thorpe (Pearson): For the General Knowledge sections, continuous and intense practice is the only way to go. This book will help the students brush up on different types of General Knowledge.
Enquire for our CLAT Online Coaching today and talk to our expert counselors about your queries and doubts.
Apart from all these many things may form part of your CLAT study material. It should include things like newspapers (especially ‘The Hindu’) and other periodicals. They help the candidate with increasing their reading speed. A simple habit like this will help you in two things: firstly, it will keep you apprised with the current affairs and news and secondly, it will help you read faster gradually provided you read on a regular basis. How many people wonder why this is important.
This is pivotal as CLAT not only tests your aptitude in several areas, it also tests your performance under a specific time period which shows the candidate's ability to perform under pressure. Hence this habit of reading regularly and practicing from good CLAT preparation Books will enable you to naturally increase your reading speed which would, in turn, help you save time.
The exam, while not tough like Civil Services or IIT-JEE, is still a highly rated aptitude test that requires constant hard work and perseverance. But with constant dedication and discipline, the candidate can easily crack this exam. With the help of quality vetted CLAT Study Material 2024, the candidate can perfect their problem-solving skills and easily crack the exam.
CLAT Exam Preparation Tips
CLAT examination is a very famous as well as an important competitive exam where students appear from all over India and compete for around 3300 seats available which includes approximately 2600 for undergraduate aspirants and 700 for the postgraduate aspirants.
Everybody appearing for CLAT has to compete with one another which is not an easy competition. Therefore one has to be very accurate and systematic while preparing for the particular examination which is possible only when one gets enough guidance about the exam and the preparations. This is the reason that students go for joining CLAT coaching institutes for CLAT online coaching.
CLAT Exam includes many subjects to prepare for which may not be done without the help of a teacher or a mentor since in the case of the UG CLAT examination, aspirants are in a habit to study under a teacher. They may find it difficult to study while sitting at home. Moreover, CLAT online coaching is usually preferred as compared to offline one because it is convenient and cheap too.
Some tips that a CLAT aspirant must follow irrespective of whether they are taking CLAT coaching or not. First of all, now that we have started living with the pace of technology. Thus most of our work is now done with mobile phones, laptops, or some other electronic device which means we are surrounded by various devices all the time which makes us lazy as well as less productive.
Devices near us are becoming advanced day by day but these advancements are somewhat harmful too, for example, our mobile phones produce radiation that leads our brain to get tired too soon. So if you study keeping your phone by your side will lead to getting tired too soon. Thus, it should be avoided to study with your phone nearby.
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- Try to stay motivated: Usually, students get bored studying hours and this leads to a CLAT aspirant either skipping an important topic that he/she feels is not important or just doing the learning in a hurry which doesn’t do any good.
A student must understand that breaks are very crucial to remain motivated, take a break. Talking to one’s near you, your parents or roommates freshens up the mind and you will get the energy to study with a greater spirit this time.
- Make a proper timetable: In which subjects should be given time according to their importance. For instance, quantitative techniques are usually considered a difficult task to cover up for students. So what you can do is, start giving the subject preference over others.
You should keep the subjects that you feel are difficult at the starting of your timetable as well as at the end of it too. Study the subject twice a day instead of trying to study all of them in one day.
- Get mastered in the class eleventh and twelfth class syllabus. The syllabus of your class eleventh and twelfth are the basics for all the topics you study other than that. Dare not leaving that for the sake of time management.
- Don’t Skip Topics: As a CLAT aspirant, you must be under pressure too which is obvious and common too but because of this pressure you might leave the topics that you feel are easy or they might get skipped.
Therefore, you must keep a sharp eye on your syllabus too so that you do not skip a single topic that is always given on the CLAT official website. Even if you find something difficult just give it a read don’t leave it entirely.
- Rest is Important too: Now the most important still the most neglected thing is sleep. Students often decrease their sleeping hours to complete the syllabus quickly. Hardworking does not mean playing with your health and sleep i.e. rest is very important to keep your health fine as well as stay to keep yourself active.
It is scientifically proven that lack of sleep leads to laziness, headache, and even dumbness. Killing your sleep will not do the work, instead, start studying long before the exam so that you can complete your syllabus and do well in your CLAT exams.
- Stay Calm: A CLAT aspirant has to face a lot of pressure and it is obvious too but your pressure handling capabilities are also the ones that are tested through this examination. If you handle your pressure well and smartly you might get the chance to grab a seat in a CLAT-affiliated college or might be the best one, all you have to do is study smartly not tirelessly.
These were some tips to all the aspirants of CLAT whether he/she is taking CLAT online coaching for CLAT offline coaching which will surely the aspirants to not only crack the examination but also these are some basic life skills that every one of us should follow.
Points to Remember While Selecting Books for CLAT
In the end, we'd like to conclude with some points that you need to keep in mind while deciding which CLAT Books will be best suitable for you. Each aspirant studies hard to crack the exam. Some even leave the fun of going out with friends enjoying their free time after clearing a level of studies like class 12.
They bind themselves to their homes because they are determined to become a great lawyer. Even after working hard and keeping themselves under stringent limits, some are unable to crack the CLAT exam and the major reason is the quality of content that they are referring to prepare for the exam.
Books are the building blocks of every child’s future from his/her childhood and here in the case of CLAT examination also books are a crucial point that most of the aspirants ignore. Therefore some points mentioned below will help you in choosing the right book for yourself.
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- The book you choose should be available in your understandable language. It's not necessary to have a book in English, the best books are available in multiple languages. Thus choose the book that is readable and will make you better off.
- Books written by a good author must be preferred over other books because you will be in advantage to gain a lot more information from their experience that they had put into written format and have provided you in the form of books.
- Try to choose a cheap book. A costly book does not mean very great content, most of the cost of that book is gone to its cover and also these books will be of no use to you after the exam. Therefore choose wisely.
- Practise is necessary for every exam you face in your life. A book having great content is good but it should have a lot of questions so that you can practice on your own and polish yourself.
- Choose a book with enough visuals. As it is known that visuals create a huge impact on learning. They make learning fun and simple which further helps in memorizing things easily.
These were some points to be considered while purchasing the best book for the CLAT exam. Some students join coaching classes for their preparations and these coaching classes usually provide you with study material which is fine if the institute is good enough but a student must not rely on coaching classes only. Self-study is a must for every student trying to crack CLAT.
Benefits of Enrolling in ClearExam CLAT Coaching
The upper part of the information tells you about how you should select a book. Now this section will focus on whether a student must get coaching or not. So below are mentioned some of the advantages of enrolling in ClearExam CLAT coaching.
- New Pattern-based syllabus: The teachers present at the institutes are highly qualified and have years of relevant experience under their belt. They help you in covering up the syllabus within the required time and with perfection also. With their help, we have compiled the new pattern-based syllabus and the subjects are taught based on the new pattern only.
- Teacher’s experience- Teachers gain a lot of experience over their teaching period which benefits the students in getting the best tips and tricks to crack the exam.
- Doubts clearance- A student who is taking CLAT coaching with ClearExam will find it easier to clear his/her doubts from the syllabus. Teachers also keep classes specifically meant to clear doubts which increases students’ confidence because of conceptual clarity.
- Guidance sessions with experts- One of the best parts of ClearExam CLAT Coaching is that we will not only provide good teachers but also will keep workshops, seminars, etc. for students. The students will be able to learn about how to cope up with the syllabus, how to attempt the paper etc.
- Practice- Once you join our CLAT Coaching, it becomes our responsibility to make you practice a lot. Although we cannot make you practice in front of us, we can provide you with good material to practice, all you have to do is be sincere with the tasks given.
- Deep performance analysis & Small Batch Size- Teachers pay attention to each student present in their class i.e. personal attention to each one of the students which further helps in knowing the progress of a single student’s performance. Small batch sizes are kept so that individual attention can be given to each student.
- Time Management – We at ClearExam, provide chances in practicing ample questions gives them an idea of what to be expected. During the examination, candidates can easily identify the type of question and solve it in less time.
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These were some of the benefits of taking CLAT Coaching with ClearExam, with the hope that it might help the students to determined how to approach the task of cracking CLAT. Since CLAT is a competitive exam it requires mentoring and guidance from experienced teachers that can make you study smartly instead of tirelessly.
It becomes slightly difficult for students to prepare for the examinations all by themselves and thus the best CLAT books sometimes remain insufficient too but students should refer to their books also rather than the one provided by the coaching classes because practice is necessary and the best books make you do that.
That's why ClearExam Institute offers the best to their students, in terms of expert faculties, comprehensive study material, E-books, Practice tests, Online Mock test series, Previous year papers, Recorded Lectures, Online Live Classes, Regular Doubt Sessions, Daily E-newspaper, Monthly Current Affairs Timeline, Daily Vocabs, and much more.
Conclusively it is in the aspirant’s hands how much they are determined towards cracking the CLAT exams. As we said earlier it is all about choices that make the base of an aspiring student’s career. He/she has to make the right choices in every way and should even take guidance also from experienced people whether parents, teachers, or counselors. We hope the best for your future and thus provide you with useful information.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Ques. What are the minimum marks required for CLAT?
Ans- UG- 45% in class twelfth for General/OBC/PWD/NRI/PIO/OCI and 40% for SC/ST
PG- 50% in LLB degree or an equivalent examination for General/OBC/PWD/NRI/PIO/OCI and 45% for SC/ST.
Ques. When are the registration forms of CLAT released every year?
Ans- In the month of January every year.
Ques. What are the registration fees of CLAT?
Ans- Rs 4000 for General/OBC/PWD/NRI/PIO/OCI and Rs 3500 for SC/ST.
Ques. When should I start my CLAT coaching?
Ans- This totally depends on you but students usually start preparing after the class 12 board examinations.
Ques. Is there any age limit for CLAT aspirants?
Ans- There is no age limit for a CLAT aspirant.
Ques. Is attesting the documents necessary?
Ans -No, attesting the documents are not necessary
Ques. What is the size limit of the document to be uploaded while submitting the application form?
Ans- The scanned Passport Size Photograph should be in JPEG Format with a maximum file size of 500Kb and the scanned signature should be in JPEG Format with a maximum file size of 100Kb.
Ques. What are the documents required for the Application Form of CLAT?
Ans- The documents required are mentioned below -
- The same mobile number from which you registered yourself
- An Email-ID is the best option for getting frequent updates from the consortium. So submitting a working EMail-ID is good.
- Identity Proof like Aadhaar Card or Passport or Pan Card or Driving Licence
- Address Proof like Aadhaar Card or Passport or Pan Card or Driving Licence
- Scanned Passport Size Photograph (In JPEG Format with a maximum file size of 500Kb)
- Scanned Signature (In JPEG Format with a maximum file size of 100Kb)
- Class 10th and 12th mark sheet
- State of domicile certificate
- Reservation certificate, SC/ST (if any)
Ques. Which book should be preferred for English subjects?
Ans- You can go with these books -
- Word Power Made Easy ( Norman Lewis)
- English Grammar and Composition (Wren & Martin)
Ques. Which book should be preferred for the subject of Current affairs?
Ans- Refer to these books given below -
- Lucent’s GK
- Manorama Yearbook
- Pratiyogita Darpan
Ques. Which book should be preferred for Legal Reasoning?
Ans- These books can be taken as reference books -
- Universal’s CLAT Guide
- Bare Acts on Indian Constitution
- Legal Awareness and Legal Aptitude (AP Bhardwaj)
- LexisNexis Butterworths
Ques. Which book should be preferred for Logical Reasoning?
Ans- 1. Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning (RS Aggarwal)
- Analytical Reasoning (MK Pandey)
Ques. Which book should be preferred for Quantitative Aptitude?
Ans- Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal
Ques. Can I register myself while I am in class 12th?
Ans - Yes, you can register yourself and fill the application form for the CLAT before your final examination in March. This is just a registration process that can be done by anyone eligible.
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