Maths is an important subject in CLAT,DULLB & Other Law Exams. In any of law exam, Maths carries weightage of 20 -25 % of questions. With focused practice good marks can be fetched from this section. These questions are very important in achieving your success in CLAT, DULLB and Other Law Exams..
Q1.Ramesh borrows Rs. 2000 and pays back after 3 years at 10% simple interest. The
amount paid by the man, is
amount paid by the man, is
SI =
= 600
A = 2000 + 600 = 2600
Q2.The rates of simple interest in two banks A & B are in the ratio 5:4. A person wants to deposit his total savings in two banks such
that he received equal half yearly interest from both. He should deposit the savings in banks A & B in the ratio.
that he received equal half yearly interest from both. He should deposit the savings in banks A & B in the ratio.
= T1 = T2, SI1 = SI2 & R1/R2 = 5/4
Q3A certain, sum of money at simple interest amounts to Rs 901 in
years & to
Rs 986 in 4 years, both at simple interest. The rate of interest per annum is
Rs 986 in 4 years, both at simple interest. The rate of interest per annum is
901 =
+ P; 85 = 
PR = 3400
P = 986 - 4PR/100 = 986 - 136 = 850
PR = 3400 R = 4
Q4.For how many years should Rs 600 be invested at simple interest of 10% pa in
order to earn the same simple interest as is earned by investing Rs 800 at 12%
pa for 5 years?
order to earn the same simple interest as is earned by investing Rs 800 at 12%
pa for 5 years?
T = 8 years
T = 8 years
Q5.The simple interest on Rs 10 per 4 months at the rate of 3 paise per Rupee per months is
= (10 x 4 x 3)/100 = 1.2
Q6. A
sum of money trebles itself in 15 years 6 months. In how many years
would. it double itself?
3P = P + SI = P + (P x R x 15.5)/100
3P = P + SI = P + (P x R x 15.5)/100
2 = (31/ 200) R ; R = 400/31
2P = P + SI P = (P x R x T)/100
T = 
Q7. Out
of a sum of Rs. 625 a part was lent at 5% and other at 10% simple
interest. If the interest on the first part after 2 years is equal to
the interest on the second part after 4 years, then the second sum
(in Rs.) is
SI1 = SI2

625 - p = 4p p = 125
Q8.The SI on Rs 1820 from March 9, 1994 to May 21, 1994 at
rate will be
Q9.The difference between the interests (S.I.) received from two different banks on Rs 500 for 2 years is Rs 2.50. The difference between their rates is:
how many years will sum of money double itself at 12% simple interest
per annum?
8 years 4 months